A Sense of Direction

Many people who know me know I have a poor sense of direction. While we sometimes refer to our older son as “the human map,” I am pretty much the opposite. When I am finding my way in a strange place (without the benefit of GPS), whether on a street or in a building, it’s a safe bet that whichever direction I think I should go is wrong. Almost always, it’s the other way. I am finding this is true as I begin my third novel.

I am slowly, but pretty surely, finding my way into the first seedlings of this story–writing the draft, writing about writing the draft, as well as thinking and daydreaming about my characters and what they want. It’s all part of the work and world of writing.

Each morning I go over what I’ve written the day before, and this early in the process, as I make my way in the near-dark, I find myself changing some details to the opposite of what’s on yesterday’s page.

This morning, I realized two of the new characters, people I am just getting to know, are not who I thought they were (or who I tried to make them be). The boy I thought was a nice, normal kid, maybe even a little too good, isn’t. And the man I thought was a shady and even dangerous guy, isn’t so bad. There is, of course, a possibility these early characters won’t even make it into the final draft. Or they will reveal themselves to be crucial to the story. Just as with any journey, I need to keep going as I find the right and true direction, and have faith I will get there.

Oh, and the working title for this novel? A Detour Home.

4 thoughts on “A Sense of Direction

  1. This is your cousin Hugh Talty. Congratulations I am very happy that I found you on Facebook today. I am hunkered down in Fort Myers Fl. It’s beautiful here and I Been here for 3 years, but I do miss Newburyport and Hampton and everyone I love is up there. I will be reading your books and keeping up contact with you. My cell phone is (603) 929-1944


  2. Hi Hugh! Good to hear from you. I am so happy you reached out and hope you are doing well. I am also happy you are going to read my books. There is one published so far, A Better Life, that you can find on Amazon. My second one will be published this year and I am working on my third. Enjoy the warm weather in Fort Myers, and please do keep in touch.


    1. Hi Ruthanne. No, the second novel hasn’t been published yet. I have queried some agents and hope to hear some good news soon. If not, I will self-publish again. So good to hear from you! I’m sure you are enjoying the warm weather!


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